6 Amazing Slow Cooker Hacks

8 best slow cookers

Cook up a feast for your family, without any of the hassle
A good slow cooker should be capable of creating home-cooked foods like
Your granny used to make, with minimum effort. It can also be a cost-saver as
Cheaper cuts are great for using in the slow cooker.
Don't assume more expensive options are better.
Elaborate controls, more timer options and even auto-stir functions. Be sure that
You genuinely need these if you fork out for them.
Think about the size of the pot -- it's no good buying a cheap and cheerful
Slow cooker that's available if it merely feeds two people and you've got a large
family. Generally , a 1.5-3L slow cooker will feed one or two people;
A machine that's 3-5L will serve three or four people; and anything between
5-6.5L will feed five or more people. You can get bigger ones also for six or
more people.
Consider how easy it is to install, how long it takes to cook, and if you
Want in order to do extra things like roast a chicken (in which case, oval
Shape is better). Do you want a keep-warm setting?
Do you want digital controls?
With a recipe book?
1. Cookworks Slow Cooker
This is a great price for a large capacity slow cooker that's easy to use and
Feeds around six individuals, with equally cooked results and tasty, moist sauces
That did not dry up even after hours of cooking. We even managed to cook a leg
Of lamb inside and pulled pork is fantastic.
Easily and it's not as powerful as other machines, but for under #20, this is an
absolute bargain.
At last -- a slow cooker that looks different to all the rest. And that is not all
This machine, which feeds six to seven people, has going for it. We found it
Made the richest, tastiest sauces as well as the most tender meat and veg, with
The extra benefit that you can bung the pan on the hob. It's intuitive to use
And feels like it will really last. It was much easier to clean than we
Anticipated too, although it does need to be switched off manually.
3. Sage The Fast Slow Guru

Can utilize the one-pot cooker for fast cooking too, as it doubles up as a pressure
Cooker, in addition to being able to sear, sauté, reduce and steam.
Sorts of bells and whistles that monitor food types and tell you what's
Happening through the cooking process, while the keep-warm function lasts up
to two hours. It is easy to clean too.
This is a great one for feeding the masses -- approximately 16-20 people -- thanks to
the 6.5-litre capacity. Too big? There are smaller sizes available too, in 3.5L
And even 1.5L. We discovered it well-made, robust and easy to use, with three heat
Settings of low, high and warm, all which produced succulent meat and
Moist, flavoursome sauces. Handily, the components are dishwasher-safe and the
Recipe book is good as well.
5. Russell Hobbs 19790
Whether you want a basic Irish stew or a more complex tender duck and
Pineapple red curry, this system will do you proud.
We discovered you get much
better results on the high-heat setting, with the lower one failing to soften
Vegetables -- especially potatoes -- or create meat succulent. Be warned that
It needs to be switched off manually, and have some oven gloves handy since the
Handles can become extremely hot.
6. Lakeland 3.5L Slow Cooker
Here's another machine, where you get tastier, more tender results from
cooking on high. It is lightweight with a nice ceramic pot that you can choose to
The table, and it feeds a few people easily.
Function for maintaining food at serving temperature, but we would have liked a better
instruction booklet. If you are unsatisfied with it, Lakeland will give you your
money back.

to vacuuming here. This one is hardy and well-designed, with an automatic
Timer, oven and microwave safe baskets, keep-warm function, and a countdown
Than other machines to cook. And while the parts are dishwasher safe, the
Whole thing is tricky to keep looking shiny.
We attempted a slow-cooked ribs recipe in this one and it came out a treat, feeding
Six to seven hungry people, though it was ready a good deal quicker than the
recommended time. Next up was a roast chicken -- also delicious, as well as
succulent. The large machine was ready to use from the box, but it's a shame
It is so heavy and has to be cleaned by hand, with no dishwasher-safe pieces.
Cookworks Slow Cooker is a steal for under #20 and ticks most boxes. If
You've got deeper pockets, it is tough to resist the Sage Quick Slow Guru, chiefly
For its flexibility and excellent outcomes.
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Some events, we make revenue if you click the links and buy the products,
But we never allow this to bias our policy. The reviews are compiled
Through a mixture of expert opinion and real-world testing



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